The Divine Revelation of the Peace Messiah

For the New Millennium of Peace & Wisdom 



III. The Divine Revelation on the Current World Affairs & the Future of the World

As Jesus told his disciples in the Bible, there would be many disasters, like famines and earthquakes, and wars and rumor of wars before the "Second Coming" of Christ/Messiah. Now all these things have already occurred across the world, especially with the war in Ukraine and the conflicts in the Middle East. The world is on the verge of World War III with the potential of escalating to a nuclear war. 

Now, the Peace Messiah for the "Second Coming" for the New Millennium reveals the Divine Revelation to end the wars from the heavenly angle and spiritual prospect. Only after people understand the advanced Word of God will they live peacefully with each other. Peace Messiah also prophesies the future of the world and reveals the "Eternal Gospel" for all nations and all religions for the New Millennium of Peace & Wisdom. 

The Divine Solution to End the War in Ukraine to Avoid World War III

The Divine Solution to End the Conflict in Gaza and in the Middle East

The Future of Europe and Conflicts between Europeans and Immigrants

The Prophecies of the Past & Future of the United States of America

The Eternal Gospel for the New Millennium for All Nations and All Religions

To Be Updated Soon




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