The New Revelation of the Peace Messiah on

The Peaceful Solution to End the War in Ukraine &

Save the Earth from the Nuclear Catastrophe


IV. The Peaceful Solution to End the War in Ukraine

Now, as the war in Ukraine has lasted over two years, both sides have suffered great losses and no one can achieve absolute victory over the other. Since Russians and Ukrainians used to be brother nations with the same ancestors, it’s time for both nations to cool down and make a settlement based on both historical and current situation, as well as ethnic background.

Currently, both Russia and Ukraine recognize the need of peace negotiation to end the war, but their requests are far apart. On Here is the Revelation of God on the Peaceful Solution to end the war in Ukraine. It will be a fair settlement for both Russia and Ukraine at the current stage.

1. Russia and Ukraine Share the Crimea under Joint Government

Crimea is the root of conflicts between Ukraine and Russia since the Euromaidan Revolution or the Revolution of Dignity in 2014. During the Euromaidan Revolution in February 2014, the pro-Russian president Viktor Yanukovych was overthrown and anti-Russian sentiment was escalating across the Western Ukraine. Many ethnic Russians in the South and East Ukraine were not happy about the revolution and wanted to go back to Russia, especially in the regions where ethnic Russians were the super majority of the population, like Crimea and the Donbas regions including Donetsk and Luhansk. 

On February 27, 2014, Russian President Putin deployed the Russian Special Forces to seized strategic sites across Crimea, which marked the beginning of the Russo-Ukrainian War that eventually led to Russian full invasion of Ukraine in February 2022. As Russian troops occupied Crimea's parliament, it dismissed the Crimean government, installed the pro-Russian Aksyonov government, and announced a referendum on Crimea's status, which result was overwhelmingly in favor of joining Russia. The next day, March 17, 2014, Crimea's authorities declared independence and requested to join Russia. Russia formally incorporated Crimea on March 18, 2014 as the Republic of Crimea.

Crimea once was the gift from Russia given to Ukraine by Khrushchev during their brotherhood period and most residents there are ethnic Russians. It’s understandable that most ethnic Russians in Crimea wanted to rejoin Russia after the Pro-Russian President was ousted by Euromaidan protesters and anti-Russian sentiment was escalating in Ukraine. If Crimea residents held a referendum on Crimea at that time, it was most likely that the majority of people would support the idea to rejoin Russia.

However, Putin made a mistake by sending Russian Special Forces to take Crimea by force rather than waiting for a democratic process through referendum. It triggered international sanctions against Russia and destroyed the brotherhood between Russia and Ukraine, which eventually led to the Russian-Ukrainian War that lasted till now.

Although Putin’s military annexation of Crimea should be condemned, people’s will in Crimea should also be respected. Since about 95.5% of voters participating in the referendum in Crimea (with 83% turnout) were in favor of seceding from Ukraine to rejoin Russia, it’s time for Ukraine to acknowledge Crimean people's will and reconsider its position on Crimea to end this war in Ukraine. 

The best way to settle the dispute over Crimea is to set up a joint government between Russia and Ukraine that can represent the interest of ethnic Russians, ethnic Ukrainians and other ethnic groups in the peninsula of Crimea. Although ethnic Russians are the super-majority of the population in Crimea, the joint government should grant Ukrainians automatic permission to travel, work and live in Crimea. 

Let Crimea become the starting point of reconciliation between Russia and Ukraine after two years of brutal war between the two brotherly nations. 

2. Russia and Ukraine split the Four States/Oblasts in the Southeastern Ukraine

In September 2014, people in the Donbas region also held a referendum on the status of Donetsk and Luhansk oblasts to be independent from Ukraine. Due to the majority of the population there being ethnic Russians, the referendum supported the establishment of the independent Donetsk and Luhansk People's Republic, which were not recognized by the Ukrainian government and the international community.

For the next eight years, the Ukrainian government troops and militias had fought with pro-Russian militants in the Donbas region, which led to the full-scale invasion of Russian troops in February 2022. If Ukraine could acknowledge the referendum in 2014, this war might be avoidable.

Since the majority people in Donetsk and Luhansk are ethnic Russians, the pro-Russian militants already took control of a large part of Donetsk and Luhansk in the Donbas region before February 2022. After Russian troops invaded Ukraine in February 2022, it occupied another two states in southeastern Ukraine: Kherson and Zaporizhzhia. On September 30, 2022, Russia unilaterally declared its annexation of areas in and around four Ukrainian oblasts—Donetsk, Luhansk, Kherson and Zaporizhzhia, but the international community has not recognized these war-time occupied territories as Russian territories.

Currently, the biggest obstacle to ending the war in Ukraine is the territorial dispute over these four states occupied by Russia in the last two years. Ukraine wants Russia to fully withdraw from all the Ukrainian territory it occupied since Russia invaded Ukraine in February 2022 and return these four states to Ukraine, but Russia wants to keep these four states as the prerequisite for any peace agreement.

Now, to end this war in Ukraine and prevent it from escalating into World War III with nuclear catastrophe, it is better for both sides to find a fair settlement for both countries based on the current reality and ethnic background in these regions.

The Map of Native Language/Ethnic Background in Ukraine

Since the majority of the people in Donetsk and Luhansk are ethnic Russians and most of them want to join Russia, Russia can keep the Donetsk and Luhansk as its territories, but Russia should return Kherson and Zaporizhzhia to Ukraine since majority of people in these regions are Ukrainians. In this way, both nations can keep two states without prolonging the war indefinitely.

The dispute about the Donetsk and Luhansk territory in the Donbas region was the source of conflicts that led to this war in Ukraine. There have been hundreds of thousands of people lost their lives in this war and millions of people lost their homes since the beginning of the war in February 2022. There is no meaning in sacrificing more lives or even escalating into the nuclear World War III on such a small territorial dispute over the two states in Ukraine. 

God has mercy on the Ukrainian people who suffered in this war. It’s time for these two former-brotherly nations to reconcile and make a settlement to end this war now. 

3. Ukraine returns the occupied territories in the Kursk region in Russia.

On August 6, 2024, the Armed Forces of Ukraine launched an incursion into Russia's Kursk Oblast. Ukraine initially captured around 1,300 square kilometers (500 square miles) of Kursk oblast in August 2024. However, due to Russian counterattacks, Ukraine's control has since reduced to approximately 800 square kilometer as of November 2024. If Russia and Ukraine can reach a peace agreement of returning the Russia-occupied Kherson and Zaporizhzhia regions to Ukraine, Ukraine should also return its occupied Kursk region to Russia as a gesture of goodwill. 

4. Russia compensates the war damage to Ukraine through Natural Gas Exported through Ukraine’s Pipeline

Since Russian troops invaded Ukraine in February 2022, it has caused huge damage to Ukraine’s cities and infrastructure. It’s Russia’s responsibility to compensate for the war damage to Ukraine. If the war continues for years, there will be more damage to both countries, even the major cities and infrastructures in Russia could be destroyed. It’s not worthwhile to prolong the war or even escalate it into World War III for the disputes of these small territories. 

Since Russia has abundant resources in oil and natural gas, it’s more reasonable for Russia to compensate Ukraine through natural gas going through Ukraine’s pipeline.  It’s time for these two former-brotherly nations to make peace and start to rebuild their countries now. 

5. Ukraine will join the European Union but not NATO

As Russia has a security concern about Ukraine joining NATO, Ukraine can join the European Union for economic development, but not NATO for military alliance. Since NATO has the treaty that commits all members to defend each other if there's an attack on any one of them, NATO will not admit any country still at war into NATO. Therefore, the chance of Ukraine to join NATO is very slim before its war with Russia ends. It's better for Ukraine to reach a peace agreement with Russia to end this war first and then start to rebuild its own country. Too many young Ukrainians already died in the war, it's time to end this war now. 

This is the Divine Revelation of the Peace Messiah for the peaceful solution to end the war in Ukraine and Russia. "Blessed are the Peacemakers, for they will be called the Children of God.” (Matthew 5:9)

Three years ago, right after Russia invaded Ukraine, I revealed the Revelation of God on the Peaceful Solution to End the War in Ukraine and posted it on YouTube ( Unfortunately, not many people paid attention to it. 

Now, after the three years of war and hundreds of thousands lives lost in the war, this Divine Revelation of God on the Peaceful Solution to End the War in Ukraine is still valid for the current situation in Ukraine. It’s God’s will to stop the war in Ukraine and prevent the war in Ukraine from escalating to nuclear catastrophe for the world. The earth is the paradise in this universe that God created for His children. Any one who wants to destroy the earth will face eternal condemnation from God. I hope the leaders in both Russia and Ukraine can follow the principle of this Divine Revelation to end the war in Ukraine now.

It’s time for the New Era of Peace & Wisdom. Let’s work together to make peace for the world and preserve the wonderful home for all humanity on the earth. God Bless!

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The Divine Revelation on the Peaceful Solution to End the War in the Middle East


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